Membership Types:
  • Athlete Membership
  • Coach Membership
  • Club Membership
  • Judges Membership
  • Alumni/Fan Membership
  • Volunteer/Official Membership

Judges Membership#

Judges: $78 + $30 Judging Education Course Fee + *33 Background Fee ()

*Background fee changed to $33 on 12/1/2021.


Membership benefits include:

  • Ability to judge at USA Diving sanctioned events.
  • Monthly e-newsletter with the latest USA Diving information. 

Required Education and Training:

  • Judging Educational Course (every membership cycle)

  • Background Screening (every two membership cycles)
  • SafeSport Training (every 365 days)

To be considered for USA Diving Nationals, Trials and International events, you must be a FINA Certified judge! Please visit here to see when the next ‘World Aquatics Diving Certification Schools for Judges’ course is.