Membership Types:
Coach Memberships#
Coach: $78 + *$33 Background Fee (Join Now)
Membership benefits include:
- Ability to coach USA Diving athlete members at dryland and water practices.
- Ability to coach at USA Diving club member Invitational and Association Championship meets.
- Monthly USA Diving e-newsletter.
- Participant Accident insurance. To learn more please visit our Insurance Page.
Required Education and Training:
- Judging Educational Course (every membership cycle)
- Free Online Concussion Awareness Training
- Free Online Safe Sport Training (every 365 days)
- Background Screening (every two membership cycles)
*Background fee changed to $33 on 12/1/2019.
Competition Coach: $128 + *$33 Background Fee (Join Now)
Membership benefits include:
- Everything included in the 'Coach' membership listed above. (benefits and requirements)
- Ability to register as Head Coach of a USA Diving member club.
- Ability to coach at Regionals, Zones and National Championships.
If you have any questions, please contact
*Memberships can be upgraded to Competition Coach mid-season. Upgrade Now