Membership Types:
Athlete Membership#
Guide to our athlete memberships:
17U - If you will be 17 years old or younger on December 31 of the membership year
AQUA AGE 18+ - If you will be 18 years old or older on December 31 of the membership year (Note: This includes athletes who will turn 18 at any point during the calendar year.)
Athlete (17U) & Athlete* (AQUA Age 18+)*: $43 (Join Now)
Membership benefits include:
- Ability to train at USA Diving club member dryland and water practices.
- Ability to join one of 240+ USA Diving club members across the country.
- Access to USA Diving coach members, the best trained diving coaches in the country.
- Access to USA Diving sanctioned events, including the best camps, clinics and practices in the country.
- Ability to compete in USA Diving club member invitational and Association Championship meets.
- Monthly e-newsletter with the latest USA Diving information.
- Participant Accident insurance. To learn more, please visit our insurance page.
*Requirements for the AQUA Age 18+ membership: *
- $33 Background Screening (every two membership cycles)
- SafeSport Training (every membership cycle)
Competition Athlete (17U) & *Competition Athlete (AQUA Age 18+)*: $203 (Join Now)
Membership benefits include:
- Everything included in the 'Athlete' membership listed above.
- Ability to showcase skill mastery at Regional, Zone and National Championships.
*Requirements for the (AQUA Age 18+) membership: *
- $33 Background Screening (every two membership cycles)
- SafeSport Training (every 365 days)
If you have any questions, please contact Taylor Payne at
*Memberships can be upgraded to ‘Competition Athlete’ mid-season. Upgrade Now!*