Finance and Audit Committee #
The Finance and Audit Committee monitors the financial activities of the organization, including preparation of the annual budget, development of financial procedures, approval of contracts, auditing of report and programs to obtain continuing financial support.
Chair: Dave Farnsworth
Title: Treasurer
Members: George Wilson, Greg Duncan, Isabel Gregersen, Sam Pickens
Committee for Competitive Excellence #
The Committee for Competitive Excellence is responsible for the organization and implementation of successful junior and senior programs to ultimately improve U.S. divers on an international scale.
Chair: Dave Burgering
Members: John Appleman, Gabi Chereches, John Fox, Cokey Huffman, Sean McCarthy, Samantha Pickens, Sophia McAfee, Krysta Palmer, Greg Duncan (alt)
Coaches Advisory Committee #
The Coaches Advisory Committee advises the Board regarding input from coaches and club owners on pending policies or other matters relating to USA Diving.
Members: Dan Pitts, Omar Ojeda, Jean Luc Miralda, Lisa Werwinski, Derek Starks, Tom Huynh, Bennett Greene, Abigail Knapton, Jacob Siler
Athletes' Advisory Council #
The Athletes' Advisory Council is elected every four years by eligible athletes. The AAC shall be a forum for comprehensive communication between athletes and USA Diving. The AAC will lead, serve, and engage athletes to communicate the interests and protect the rights of athletes, and be a conduit to USA Diving.
Committee Members: Emily Bretscher, Andrew Capobianco, Joey Cifelli, Brittany Viola Gonzalez, Mory Gould, Ryan Hawkins, Jack Matthews, Sophia McAfee, Samantha Pickens, Lauren Reedy, Carolina Sculti, Max Showalter
SafeSport Committee #
The SafeSport Committee shall review and assist with the development and implementation of the athlete safety policy and other policies or procedures related to SafeSport.
Chair: Sarah Schuster-Morrison
Members: Steve Voellmecke, Sandy Searcy, Curt Wilson, Jessica Parratto, Emma Ivory-Ganja
Nominating and Elections Committee #
The Committee develops the processes and procedures for elections, solicits and vets nominations, and conducts the elections in partnership with the staff of USA Diving.
Chair: Jared Book
Members: Sally Hansell, Anneliese Tuymer, Lyle Yost, Janie Boyle
Facilities Commission #
The Facilities Commission advises on facility questions and FINA specifications.
Chair: Bill Hobbs
Members: Steve Voellmecke, Scott Hester, Brian Hazelton
Advisory: Steve McFarland
Masters Committee #
The Masters Committee is responsible for the organization and conduct of a program for divers 21 years of age and older who no longer compete in the senior program. The Masters Committee conducts both an indoor and outdoor national championships annually.
Chair: Heather Carrano
Vice Chair: Ron Kontura
Vice Chair: David Cotton
Board of Review Committee #
The Board of Review Committee reviews complaints regarding disciplinary and Administrative matters
Chair: Bill Farrar
Vice-Chair: Andre Watson
Members: Michelle Sandelin, Julie Johnson (Wotovich), Kassidy Cook, Daria Lenz, Kyndal Knight
Ethics Committee #
The Ethics Committee oversees the implementation of the conflict of interest policy and advises on other ethics matters
Chair: Kristin Roberts
Members: Ryan Hawkins, Lucia Serrano, Ted Smith, JoLynn Gentry, Matt Van Houten, Emilie Moore, Cassidy Krug