• USADA and Anti-Doping
  • Athlete Safety Policy
  • Petition Process
  • Selection Procedures
  • Insurance
  • Rulebook

Brand Guidelines#

The USA Diving logo is one of our greatest marketing assets as it represents our organization to the diving community, sports industry and the general public. In order to maintain the equity we have built with this mark, it is important to position it in proper manner as outlined in the Brand Usage Guidelines Manual.
The Brand Usage Guidelines outline the appropriate uses of the USA Diving logo and how to incorporate it into your club or LDA letterhead, business cards, website, and other items. Please do not alter the presented specifications of the USA Diving logo.

To utilize the logo, please complete and return the Marks Approval Form for each instance in which you’d like to utilize the USA Diving logo (The Brand Guidelines must be followed). The form may be e-mailed to members@usadiving.org or faxed to USA Diving at 317-237-5257.

USA Diving must approve each usage of the logo. Once the Marks Approval Form is received, it will be reviewed and if approved, the logo will be emailed to the applicant.

We appreciate your assistance in maintaining the integrity of the mark and thank you for helping to promote USA Diving by using this mark. We look forward to working with you as you incorporate the USA Diving logo into your Club and LDA materials.
Logo usage on team items:
The USA Diving logo may be used on any team or LDA advertising or promotional materials.
All logo usage on Team Items must be approved by USA Diving following the procedures outlined below.
Logo usage on member club/LDA website:
Use of the USA Diving logo on a member club or LDA website is permissible.
Please utilize the standards in these guidelines to include the USA Diving logo on a website.
Procedures for obtaining logo use approval:
1. Complete a Marks Approval Form and final artwork for each USA Diving logo usage.
2. Submit completed Marks Approval Form and final artwork to USA Diving via e-mail (members@usadiving.org) or fax (317) 237-5257.
3. USA Diving will respond with comments, changes or approval within seven business days.