Career Highlights
- 2024 World Cup Series team member, synchronized 10-meter (Montreal, Xi'an)
- 2021 Junior Pan American Championships (gold, synchronized 3-meter; 7th, platform; 9th, 1-meter)
- 2021 Junior Pan American Games (7th, platform)
Daughter of Russ and Lori Bishop...Has two younger siblings, Jake and Alexandra ...Started diving at age 8...Favorite dive is 305C on 3-meter...Likes to dance at competitions...Says the south Florida weather (bad weather and heat) is the most difficult part of training for her...Favorite divers are Delaney Schnell and Melissa Wu...Her nickname is Mini, given to her by her coaches (When Kaylee first moved to Florida at age 9, there was another Kaylee and another Bishop already on the team, so Matt and Michelle started calling her Mini and the name stuck.)...Enjoys fashion, Interior Design, being outdoors, hiking and Harry Potter...Is a big supporter of the Corey Griffin Foundation...Would like to become a coach