Zone E Championships
Jun 15, 2023 - Jun 18, 2023 | Junior | Beaverton, OR, USA
Tualatin Hills Aquatic Center
15707 SW Walker Road
Beaverton, OR 97006
Schedule (Updated 5.1.23)
Click HERE for the Zone E Hotel Booking Link to find hotel deals around the Tualatin Hills Aquatic Center!
Meet Director:
George Perdue
Competition Dates:
Thursday, June 15
Friday, June 16
Saturday, June 17
Sunday, June 18
Practice Dates:
Wednesday, June 14 (Open Practice 8am-7pm)
Thursday, June 15 (1.5 Hour Flights - each Team will have two slots, one 1.5 slot before 11:30am, and one 1.5 hour slot between 11:30am and 4pm)
Technical Meeting:
Wednesday, June 14 @ 7pm (located in the Hospitality Room)
Parking: Parking is available for free on site, with overflow parking available at the shopping center across the street.
Ticket Information: Daily admission tickets will be available for purchase.
Pool Equipment:
Two 1-Meter Boards (Maxiflex Model B)
Two 3-Meter Boards (Maxiflex Model B)
5-, 7.5-, and 10-Meter Platforms with RoughTex
Dryland Equipment: No dryland equipment will be available for the Zone event.
Pool Hours:
Pool open until 8pm after the completion of each day's events.